Stomach Tummy Tuck Food Khmer

+ Ingredients
- Fish
- Pork with fat
- Pork belly
- Garlic
- Red onion
- Frying oil
- Soup powder
- Sugar
- Orange leaves
- Rumdeng
- Lemongrass root

Vegetables such as crispy eggplant, cabbage, cucumber, eggplant, roasted peppers, young bell peppers and other vegetables as you like.

+ How to do
First, take the pork mixed with fat to wash and chew thoroughly. As for the belly, wash it thoroughly and boil it with orange leaves, lemon leaves and rhubarb to cut the juices.
- Then take it to a boil and put it in a pan, heat the oil, then add garlic, red onion, roast it until it tastes good, then put the meat Pork and beef are fried until well combined, add a little soup powder, a little sugar.